Some of our Case Studies

Case Study 1: Feasibility Study on a new Investment Casting Foundry
An engineering company purchases small quantities of high quality investment casting components, which they machined and used in their product range. The company would like to add value by offering a quicker delivery time on their newly developed products ahead of their competitors. This was to be a green field site to embrace the latest technology with a quick turn round and the use of automation where it's possible to enhance the process keeping a low manufacturing cost. INCAST provided the company with a Feasibility Study to include the following: Budget Plant Cost, Capacity, Plant layout & drawings, Energy Cost, Foundry Organisation, Labour, & Material Cost, Project Schedule, Process Description & Plant Specification. The intention of the company was to see whether additional capital investment is justifies for a new investment casting facility, or not
Case Study 2: Upgrading Technology
A client wanted to transform its current investment casting product base from commercial to premium cast components by purchasing a vacuum furnace. The quality change from commercial air cast alloys to premium vacuum casting super alloys is a major step forward with hidden pitfalls. The investment casting process has a common thread through for both commercial and premium cast components; that is wax pattern manufacturing, ceramic mould making, metal melting and various post cast operations. That is where the commonality ends. INCAST provided the customer with a complete study of capital investment cost, newer technology requirement and the timeline to achieve the changeover.

Case Study 3: Scrap Reduction
From time to time investment casting foundries tend to lose control of their reject rate. There are a number of reasons why a particular foundry runs into this problem. In this case study, the foundry had an overall casting rejection rate of 24.3% peaking at 32%. With a target action plan, within twelve months the reject rate continued to reduce to an average of 15.7% with a lowest level of 10%. Cold shuts were top of the company's defect league with inclusions to follow in second place. Over several months an effort has been put by INCAST in the casting area to decrease the problems of cold shuts and the feeding techniques have been improved as well. The combined action has paid dividends as the particular defects have been halved.
Case Study 4: Upgrading of Process
Long manufacturing process times affect cashflow. An investment casting foundry approached INCAST to carry out an audit to look at their manufacturing times and make improvements to reduce their long delivery. In short, INCAST’s highlighted areas are where the company can make immediate short term improvements and with some capital investment in the long term establish a lean manufacturing process. The company embarked on installing a fast drying ceramic shell system and then later phased in a robot dipline. This and other actions have changed their market policy and halved the company’s delivery time.